Deputy Chairman of the KAZENERGY Association

Born on October 14, 1947 in Koschagyl village, Embinsk district, Atyrau region.

Education, specialty (qualification), licenses
I. M. Gubkin Moscow Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry (1970) - Faculty: "Technology and complex mechanization of oil and gas fields development", qualification "mining engineer".
Scientific titles, degrees, activities
  • Post-graduate of I. M. Gubkin Moscow Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry (1973); 
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, thesis topic: "Development of mineralized solutions with adhesive colmatant to maintain the stability of clay rocks in the wells drilling" (Ufa Oil Institute, 1985);
  • Academic professor of "Drilling of oil and gas wells" department (Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas, 2001);
  • Honorary Professor of Kazakh National Technical University (2004); - Academician of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan with qualification in drilling of oil and gas wells (2004);
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, thesis topic: "Theoretical foundations of increasing the safety of drilling operations and development of environmental technologies for the development of offshore oil and gas fields" (2010).

Professional experience  
  • 1973 - 1974 – industrial drilling engineer of the South Emba oil and gas prospecting expedition of “Kazneftegazorazvedka” administration office (Atyrau region);
  • 1974-1981 - Head of drilling technology laboratories, washing fluids of Kazakh Scientific Research Geological Exploration Oil Institute (Atyrau region);
  • 1981 - 1988 - Deputy Director for research work of Kazakh Scientific Research Geological Exploration Oil Institute (Atyrau region);
  • 1988 - 1990 - Head of the administration office for the development of technical progress and deep drilling of the main territorial administration office "Prikaspiygeologiya" (Uralsk);
  • 1990 - Head of the Department of Guryev branch of Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin (Atyrau);
  • 1991-1992 - Senior referent of the Industry Department of Administration Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty);
  • 1992-1994 - Head of the Main Oil and Gas Department of the Ministry of Energy and Fuel Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty);
  • 1994 - 07.1995 - Deputy Minister of Energy and Fuel Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Deputy Minister of Oil and Gas Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty);
  • 07.1995 - 11.1997 - Trainee of "Agip" oil company, (Italy);
  • 11.1997 - 02.2000 - Vice President for the Corporate Development, Director for Prospective Development, Vice President for Prospective Development, First Vice
  • President, “Kazakhoil” National Oil and Gas Company” CJSC (Almaty);
  • 08.1999 - 10.1999 - Acting President of “Kazakhoil” National Oil and Gas Company” CJSC (Almaty);
  • 02.2000 - 01.2001 - President of "KazTransGas" CJSC (Astana);
  • 01.2001 - 03.2003 - Vice-Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana);
  • 03.2003 - 29.05.2008 - President of JSC “National Company “KazMunayGas”;
  • 07.2008 - President of “Mangistaumunaigas” JSC;
  • 07.2008 - 11.2009 - Acting General Director of “Mangistaumunaigas” JSC;
  • 01.2010 - 07.2013 - General Director of "Kazakhstan Institute of Oil and Gas" JSC;
  • 03.07.2013 - 06.08.2014, reassigned - from 04.04.2014 - Minister of Oil and Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 13.08.2014 - 19.01.2016 - First Deputy Minister

Other positions 
  • 2001 - 2002 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of "KazTransOil" CJSC;
  • 05.2001 - 02.2002 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Oil and Gas Transport” CJSC;
  • 02.2002 - 03.2003 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC “NC “KazMunayGas”;
  • Since 12.2006 - Chairman of the Coordination Council of the "KazEnergy" Association on Kazakhstan content;
  • Since 12.2006 - Member of the Supervisory Board of “KazRosGas” LLP;
  • 09.2007 - 11.2008 - Member of the National Investors’ Council under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 28.11.2006 - 09.2008 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of “KazMunayGas” Exploration Production” JSC;
  • 2004-2009 - President of the Amateur Boxing Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Since 18.02.2016. - Member of the Board of Directors of JSC “NC "KazMunayGas".

State and international awards, prizes, honorary titles  
  • Orders: 3rd category “Barys” order (2005), “Kurmet” (2000), “Leader of the Russian Economy” (2005);
  • Sign "Outstanding worker in mineral resources exploration of the USSR" (1988);
  • Jubilee medals: "10 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan" (2005), "Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn Paramentine 10 zhyl” (2006);
  • "Honorary Prospector of Subsoil of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2003);
  • Medal "Honored figure of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2007);
  • "Person of the Year" title and "Golden Prometheus" prize within the framework of “Kazenergy” Eurasian Energy Forum (09.2009);
  • "Kazakhstannyn Yenbek Eri” title (2011).

Scientific, literary works, publications
  • Author of over 40 publications, articles, books and 5 inventions. 

Marital status 
Married, has two children.

Astana, 17 Kabanbay Batyr ave., block B
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