Electric power
Goals and Objectives

The main goal of this activity is to create favorable conditions for the dynamic and sustainable development of the electric power industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To achieve this goal, the KAZENERGY Association carries out the industry expertise on the appeals of business entities and legislative changes in the fields of electricity and heat supply, the development of renewable and alternative energy sources, energy efficiency, energy conservation, and other initiatives.

The main objectives are:

  1. To assist in ensuring balanced development of the energy sector;
  2. To analyze the geopolitical situation around the use of energy resources;
  3. Sustainable development of member companies of the electric power sector in the process of "energy transition" and increasing environmental requirements (low-carbon development, decarbonization and introduction of BAT);
  4. To develop green energy projects (renewable and alternative energy sources);
  5. To develop gas generation projects;
  6. To support new investments (including from international financial institutions) in the electric power industry and remove regulatory barriers in the activities of electric power enterprises;
  7. To assist in ensuring favorable conditions for tariff and other regulation and remove regulatory barriers of electric power enterprises;
  8. To develop proposals on the main strategic areas of development of the energy sector;
  9. To promote the development of scientific and technological innovations in the field of energy, renewable energy sources, peaceful use of nuclear energy, scientific and technical developments in the field of the nuclear fuel cycle, as well as to study economic, financial, managerial, environmental and social aspects related to the development of the energy industry, including through the work of the Coordination Council for Energy Sector Development;
  10. To study foreign innovative experience in the development of the energy sector and renewable energy sources, and to inform the Association members about new trends that are of interest to them;
  11. To develop international cooperation and integration processes in the energy sector;
  12. To discuss, monitor and prepare proposals on legislative regulation of energy development in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  13. To develop proposals and a unified position of the Association members in the field of energy development for government agencies, working groups, commissions and other associations of which the Association is a member;
  14. To participate in the development and implementation of program documents of sectoral ministries related to energy sector development;
  15. To strengthen the positive image of domestic electric power sector enterprises in the international arena.

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