Ecology and environmental protection
The goal of this activity is to improve the legislative and regulatory framework for environmental management in oil, gas and energy sector enterprises in cooperation with state bodies.

The main objectives are:
  1. to organize interaction between the Association members, state bodies and other interested parties on ecology and environmental protection;
  2. to analyze and develop proposals for legislative regulation of relations in the field of ecology and environmental protection;
  3. to participate in the elaboration and implementation of program documents of sectoral state bodies in the field of ecology and environmental protection;
  4. to support corporate social responsibility of business;
  5. to assist in the development of transparency of the oil and gas sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  6. to promote the development of scientific and technological innovations aimed at the creation and use of environmentally friendly technologies, including through the work of the Coordination Council for Ecology, Social Responsibility and Transparency.


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