
Eight teams are selected for the next tour of “STUDENT ENERGY CHALLENGE” competition

8 student teams have been defined to take part in the semi-final of “Student Energy Challenge” competition, the final tour of which will be held on October 2-3, 2018 in Astana.

The selection committee including the organizers considered video resumes presented by participating teams. According to evaluation results, the following teams have been included in the list of participants for the next tour:

Team: Association of Innovators
University: Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications
Project direction: Energy consumption
Project theme: “The use of resource-saving systems by large-scale commercial facilities”

Team: Quadra
University: Nazarbayev University
Project direction: Energy transmission
Project theme: “Smart Grid technologies”

Team: NU SynGas
University: Nazarbayev University
Direction: Energy generation
Project theme: “Processing of coal and household wastes by pyrolysis and gasification methods”

Team: Chemical Energy
University: Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University
Direction: Energy consumption
Project theme: “Catalytic reactor using the power of chemical reactions and a non-waste technology for the production of cumene”

Team: Kazyna
University: Ekibastuz Technical and Engineering Institute named after the academician K.Satpayev
Direction: Energy transmission
Project theme: “Creation of self-adjusting regulators for the process control, including in the oil and gas industry”.

Team: KBTU United
University: Kazakh-British Technical University
Project direction: Energy generation
Project theme: “Waste-to-energy. Generating energy from urban sewage”

Team: Next generation
University: Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov
Project direction: Energy accumulation
Project theme: “Energy generation from alternative sources”

Team: OilDreams
University: Atyrau University of Oil and Gas
Project direction: Energy generation
Project theme: “Wind power system - a new step to the future”

The above teams will present their project proposals to the jury members for consideration by August 25, 2018.
We should remind that the winners of “Student Energy Challenge” competition will be awarded with prizes from Shell Kazakhstan (up to 10 000 US dollars) and two-day NXplorers training (in Astana) prepared by experts from Shell Group for development of critical thinking and integrated problem solving skills.
The organizers are grateful to all the teams which participated in the qualifying tour of the competition and look forward to welcome everyone at the presentation of projects by short-listed teams on October 2-3, 2018 and at KAZENERGY Youth Conference (more information is available at:

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