Coordination councils and committees

The key focus areas of
the Coordinating Council for the Development of the Oil and Gas Industry

To form an expert opinion and/or work out a single position of the relevant members of the KAZENERGY Association, the Coordinating Council for the Development of the Oil and Gas Industry considers the issues on the following strategic priorities (areas of activity) of the KAZENERGY Association:
1. Development of “green energy” projects (renewable and alternative sources)
  • Coordination of discussion of inter-sectoral issues and removing regulatory barriers for the development of hybrid and other RES projects initiated by the major companies of the oil and gas sector.
2. Development of petrochemical and coal chemistry projects:
  • using the synergy effect through the concentration of production in one place, namely in the special petrochemical zone in the Atyrau region, while completing the construction of its infrastructure;
  • determining, with the involvement of central competent authorities, local executive bodies, businesses and business associations, the needs of the domestic market in polymeric products in the medium and long term perspective, taking into account all branches of the economy;
  • development of schemes to provide special conditions for oil and gas production and exports for companies investing in petrochemical projects (investment agreements);
  • development of transparent market mechanisms for providing petrochemical companies with long-term gas supplies;
  • determining the technological capabilities of enterprises, development, and implementation of fiscal and regulatory support measures for enterprises implementing projects in the area of coal chemistry.

3. Development of gas projects
  • analysis and proposals for a long-term gas strategy and development of the national gas market;
  • enlargement of the gas resource base, support for gas projects by developing fiscal and regulatory stimulation measures for investment in exploration and development of oil and gas fields (improved model-based subsoil use contracts);
  • promoting the development of a balance of gas production, processing, transportation, and consumption;
  • development of strategic proposals for promising areas of use of associated gas, including re-injection for maintaining reservoir pressure at fields, consumption by the population, petrochemical companies, and reduction of coal generation;
  • participation in the work to encourage involvement in the development of gas caps at oil and gas fields;
  • providing support for investment preferences in the construction and renovation of the gas transportation system.
4. Support for new investment in geological exploration and removal of regulatory barriers in the activities of oil and gas production companies
  • providing support for new investment in hydrocarbon exploration and production projects through developing a package of fiscal and regulatory stimulus measures for investors through an improved model-based subsoil use contract;
  • participation in the design and implementation of a new model of agreements on the geological exploration of subsoil, aimed at increasing the investment attractiveness of the geological exploration of the oil and gas content in little-studied and poorly promising sedimentary basins;
  • analysis and proposals for the Concept of the development of the geological industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2025 and the relevant national project of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • analysis of the financial and economic condition of enterprises to make recommendations for the improvement of legislation;
  • addressing current and systemic issues in the law enforcement practice, providing a stable, balanced, and non-discriminatory approach to the legislation on subsoil and subsoil use, on transportation, processing of hydrocarbons, and turnover of petroleum products;
  • development of digitalization in the activities of oil and gas production companies, as well as the analysis and proposals for the strategy of digitalization of the fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2025;
  • transfer of technologies and technological renovation of oil and gas production enterprises;
  • assistance in the development of an international oil and gas machine-building center;
  • establishment and organization of the work of expert platforms for professional dialogue, with the participation of experts, companies, and regulators on the development of major oil and gas projects;
  • support of domestic content in the procurement and activities of subsoil users and companies engaged in the development of significant oil and gas projects; unification of standards and requirements for local suppliers of goods, works, and services in the oil and gas industry.
5. Terms of supranational regulation (common markets of oil, gas, petroleum products of the EAEU), which take into account the interests of domestic enterprises
  • representing the interests of enterprises of the energy industry of Kazakhstan on the development of regulation at the supranational level concerning the formation of common markets for oil, gas, and petroleum products, as well as the common electric power market of the EAEU.
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