Coordination councils and committees

The key focus areas of
the Coordinating Council for Human Capital Development

To form an expert opinion and/or work out a single position of the relevant members of the KAZENERGY Association, the Coordinating Council for Human Capital Development considers the issues on the following strategic priorities (areas of activity) of the KAZENERGY Association:
  • development of the national and sectoral system of qualifications by taking part in the formation of the national qualifications body, development of the draft Law “On Professional Qualifications”, the Concept of the Labor Market Development until 2025, the Social Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Concept of Lifelong Learning and other draft laws in the area of social and labor relations and education;
  • cooperation with educational organizations, members of the Association, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the RoK “Atameken”, participants of the social partnership to implement the “Atlas of New Professions” in the industry, development of professional standards taking into account environmentally safe, “green” workplaces;
  • assistance in training specialists and personnel of the industry enterprises in improving energy efficiency and updating educational programs in demand in the industry, with the involvement of members of the Association and based on international experience;
  • development of systemic proposals on the development and transfer of competencies in the industry jointly with all the concerned parties, including for solving the problems of transition to a new “green” course in the industry;
  • arranging activities to involve young people in innovative projects and programs that focus on the ecologization of the economy and digitalization of production;
  • participation in the implementation of activities of the Sectoral Agreement in the oil and gas, oil refining, and petrochemical industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2022 and the General Agreement between the Government of Kazakhstan, Republican Associations (associations, unions) of Employers and Republican Associations (associations, unions) of Trade Unions for 2021-2023 to develop a social partnership, participation in the efforts to ratify the International Labor Organization conventions under the General Agreement;
  • development of a gender policy and exchange of best practices by oil and gas and energy companies, which promote the empowerment of women in the industry;
  • contribution to the development of international standards for training and re-training, and qualification requirements for specialists;
  • assistance in bringing the employee compensation plans in compliance with the complexity and level of work performed, ensuring social protection and better working conditions for personnel;
  • promotion of the increase and advancement of local qualified technical and managerial human resources to gradually replace expatriate personnel in projects with their participation;
  • enhancing of social partnership, involvement of business in programs for the implementation of public educational services, as well as participation in the discussion of legislative initiatives on the development of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • support and participation in the implementation of youth projects.

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