On the seminar “Approaches and methods of developing professional standards”
On the seminar “Approaches and methods of developing professional standards”

In the new political course of the country - the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan dated by January 10, 2018 “New opportunities for development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution”, the need to develop quality professional standards for labor market efficiency was noted.
In Kazakhstan, within the framework of the project “Development of labor skills and stimulation of jobs” in the period from 2018 to 2020, planned development of 480 professional standards.

In order to systematize work on professional standards in the oil and gas industry, KAZENERGY Association (Association) prepared basic documents: a list of oil and gas industry professions, the Sectoral Framework for Qualifications in the Oil and Gas, Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industries (SFQ), a preliminary plan for developing professional standards in the oil and gas industry for 2018-2020.

On February 8-9, the Association together with Ernst & Young held a seminar on “Approaches and methodology for the development of professional standards”. Representatives of more than 20 oil and gas companies and educational institutions attended the seminar.

Within the framework of the seminar, the international experience of building human resources, including labor market in the oil and gas industry, global trends in the development of the qualifications system in the world, the structure and stages of the development of the national system of qualifications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the methodology for developing professional standards, the specifics of developing professional standards in the oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan. At the same time, participants carried out practical exercises on the development of professional standards. As a result of the seminar, all participants received certificates. The Association will continue all work on the development of the sectoral system of qualifications, including the renewal of the SFQ, after approval of new Guidelines for the development and design of professional standards.

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