Questions and answers
Questions and answers
1. How to register a team to participate in the competition?
The team captain must register their team by March 20, 2020 through: → Education program → Competitions → Student Energy Challenge → Registration Form.
2. Is it possible to take part in the competition individually?
No, only teams of 3-5 students can participate in the competition.
3. Can a team be composed of students from different programs/years of study/universities?
Yes, students can form a team in any combination representing a university.
4. Can students enrolled in universities outside Kazakhstan participate in the competition?
No, the competition is aimed at students of domestic technical higher education institutions.
5. Can working specialists take part in the competition?
The competition is open to bachelor’s and master’s degree students to ensure a level playing field for all teams.
6. Are there any age restrictions for participation in the competition?
Yes, students aged 18 to 29 years can take part in the competition. The organizers welcome applications from boys and girls and adhere to the principle of equal rights and opportunities.
7. Can students who are not citizens of Kazakhstan take part in the competition as part of a team?
Yes, students are allowed to participate in the team if he or she is currently a student of a university in Kazakhstan, regardless of their citizenship.
8. What are the language requirements for video submission?
Video summaries can be sent in any of three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English, but with a brief summary in Kazakh and Russian.
9. What are the language requirements for the passport of the project?
Projects/solutions will have to be submitted in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.
10. Can teams ask for help from their teachers (professors) and mentors when developing a project?
The team must understand and acknowledge that the project submitted to the competition is the result of their work and/or research. You can only get support from mentors for advice. Please be careful with plagiarism and provide citations or links to relevant sources. If the organizers find that the submitted application is not the result of the team’s own work, the team will be disqualified.
11. Who will have the intellectual property rights to the project/solution that will be presented/developed during the competition?
Submitted projects/solutions developed for the competition remain the property of the authors.
12. Is it possible to extend the terms of the video resume?
The video submission deadline is April 25, 2020 (inclusive). Video summaries shall be provided to the Organizers within the time periods specified in the Regulation on the Competition
13. What criteria will be applied when evaluating a video summary?
1. A video summary is a short presentation video (up to 3-4 minutes) about the team and a brief presentation of the project passport.
2. Recorded in free form in by any available device and must be horizontal.
3. A creative video summary is welcome. Editing is permissible.
Questions that need to be answered by teams in the video summary:
  • Introduction of the captain and team members.
  • The title of the project topic and the rationale for its selection. Tell us about your achievements in the chosen direction, if any.
  • List several ways to achieve the goal.
  • What is the uniqueness of the project? Tell us what innovations you can apply to achieve the goal of the project.
  • What is the expected economic and environmental effect of the project, if implemented further? Do you find your project attractive as an investment?
  • Tell us briefly about each of the team members, about their hobbies and achievements.
  • Why do you want to participate in the competition?
  • Your expectations from participating in the competition?
Requirements for the presentation of video summaries are presented in the Regulation on the competition
14. Who will evaluate the submitted video resume?
To consider the video resume of the participating teams, a selection committee will be formed from representatives of the organizers (possibly government bodies and representatives of member companies of the Association).
15. Who is on the jury?
The members of the jury will be announced later. Typically, the jury consists of representatives of the oil and gas/energy sectors, scientific and research institutions, the Sponsor, Organizer, government agencies, research institutes, who decide on the award of prizes based on the results of the competition.
16. Will travel costs be covered for teams invited to defend the project?
Yes, the costs are borne by the Competition Organizers.
17. Will additional events be organized as part of the competition?
Yes, a Shell NXplorers training on the development of critical thinking skills in the city of Nur-Sultan will be organized within the framework of the competition. The webinar is planned to be held in August 2020, this information will be sent to the participants in advance.
18. Will travel expenses for the teams to participate in Shell NXplorers’ critical thinking skills training in Nur Sultan be covered?
Yes, the costs are borne by the Competition Organizers.
19. Is it obligatory to participate in trainings and webinars?
For the participation of the entire team in the training 1 point will be assigned, for participation in the webinar - 0.5 points.
20. What to do if the full team cannot take part in the final event?
The team must notify the Organizers of the change as soon as possible. If a team is invited to defend a project/solution, at least 2 students must participate on behalf of the team – 1 team member and captain.
21. If the team goes to the final stage and gets on the short list, is it possible to invite friends and relatives for moral support during the defense of the project before the jury?
Yes, teams can invite their friends, relatives, and/or teachers. In this case, it is best to inform the Organizers in advance and advise the supporters about registration. Specify the platform for registering your supporters with the Competition Organizers.
22. Will there be an opportunity for the contest participants to get a job or practice at the company of the organizers, or at any other oil and gas company?
The Student Energy Challenge is not a recruitment and hiring process, and participation in it will not affect the evaluation of hiring.
23. Is the participation of a supervisor and mentor mandatory?
Not mandatory, but in order to assist in the development of projects, teams are allowed to involve both a supervisor and a mentor.
The supervisor and/or mentor are not part of the team.
24. What is the difference between a supervisor and a mentor?
Supervisor – a person from among the teaching staff of the university of the represented team who can act as the team’s curator and take overall leadership of the project, monitor tasks and monitor the team’s work in the framework of the Competition in accordance with these Regulations, based on their knowledge and experience, can help the team in its research and experiments in the preparation of the project.
Mentor – an independent advisor-consultant. It is allowed to attract a mentor from among representatives of the business sphere, academia, and the expert community. The mentor’s tasks include analyzing and assessing the prospects of the team’s project, helping to set goals and develop ways to achieve them, demonstrating their example in implementing similar projects, startups, psychological support, evaluating and recommending to the team for further activities (for example, the possibility of commercialization).
In order to assist in the development of projects, it is possible for teams to involve supervisors or mentor a separately, as well as their simultaneous involvement in the project.
25. Who conducts the examination of project passports?
Examination of project passports is carried out by independent experts who have extensive experience in professional and expert activities in relevant industries in the areas and themes of the competition.
26. What is affected by the examination of project passports?
Based on the results of an independent examination of project passports, the Organizers draw up a ranked list of teams that qualify for the semi-finals of the competition and who will participate in the defense of projects.
27. At what stage is it worth starting to create a presentation video?
Upon completion of the presentation of the project passports to the Organizer, it is recommended to begin the search for potential suppliers in the field of visual creativity for the development of video presentations on visualization of projects according to the methodological recommendations (Appendix No. 10 in the Competition Regulation)
28. Which teams should prepare the video presentation?
The presentation video should be prepared by the teams that qualified for the semi-finals of the competition within the deadlines established in the Regulation on the competition
29. Will the cost of creating a presentation video be covered?
Yes, the costs of creating a video presentation will be covered by the Organizers. For this, the teams need to present the contacts of potential suppliers in the field of visual creativity to the Organizer KAZENERGY for the further procedure of concluding the Agreement.
30. Who will create video presentations?
The company supplier in the field of visual creativity, which the team in order to develop a video presentation will choose at their discretion. To do this, the team must develop Terms of Reference. You can learn about some recommendations for the development of the Terms of Reference for creating a video presentation from the video, if you click on the link
31. What should a video presentation contain?
Requirements for the presentation video:
  • Description of the product, purpose, process, technology, etc. – up to 30 sec. (name, purpose, etc.);
  • The video should be made in 2D or mixed format with 3D graphics, animations and contain both the principles of operation of the model of the device and design features (modeling of objects, mechanisms, structures, surroundings, moving/immovable mechanisms, components, work process, etc.) due to which the set goals are achieved, etc. (100-120 sec.);
  • Explain the main advantages of the tool/device (50 sec);
  • Demonstration of the device using examples (50 sec);
  • Presentation of the video digitally to the Organizer.
  • Visualization does not replace the protection of the project itself, but is an additional effective tool to help teams strengthen their positions during its defense.
More information can be found by clicking on the link
32. At what stage do you start preparing project passports?
We recommend that you begin to prepare a project passport at the initial stages of the competition, as soon as the theme of the project is determined.
33. What is a business case?
This is a description of the benefits, including costs associated with project development, costs, the possibility of any income. The team can present a simple analysis to determine the attractiveness of the project, identify successful stakeholders (enterprises).
34. What is an environmental rationale?
This section may describe the environmental friendliness of a product, product, service with a justification for the safety of the launch during implementation. That is, the end user must be confident in the environmental friendliness of the product, good, service. Ecological friendliness means the impact at the stages of the life cycle (for example, biodegradable plastic, reuse of glass, organic materials, etc.).
35. What is project commercialization?
The possibility of commercialization means that the realization of an idea, the implementation of research results in production in order to generate revenue for enterprises.
36. What is an Elevator pitch?
An elevator pitch is a short presentation about the project. Your task is to interest the jury and listeners in 3 minutes.
37. How many stages are there in the competition?
The competition consists of 5 stages, which you can learn about by clicking on the link
38. What is the prize fund of the competition?
The prize fund of the Competition is: 1st place – 10,000 US dollars, 2nd place – 5,000 US dollars, 3rd place – 3,000 US dollars.
39. How will teams participate in the protection of project passports during the training period?
The organizers will send official letters to universities whose representatives are semi-finalists about the participation of all team members in the final of the competition and payment of travel (round trip), accommodation and meals at the expense of the organizers of the competition.
Upon completion of the competition, the Organizers will also inform universities in writing about the results of the competition.
40. Competition Organizer Contacts:
+7 717 2 79-01-74

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